Short Description
BRICKS is a one stop shop No-Code PaaS development platform for commercial interactive applications. Let enterprises or small businesses "quickly" and "low-cost" solve the software problems of "Kiosk", "Dynamic Digital Signage", and "Vending Machine".
Company Bio
BRICKS found in 2020 and focuses on creating a complete No-Code solution for Designer-Friendly interactive screens. We believe that only the advancement of tools can promote the evolutionary revolution of the overall environment.
News Release
- Final list of CIAT Accelerator Program. 入圍雲豹育成計劃
- AI Crowd Control Panel in Zhuwei Fishing Harbor. 竹圍魚港 AI人流管制
- AI Crowd Control Panel in Longshan Temple. 龍山寺 AI人流管制
- HONHUI X t. Hub Startup Carnival 2021 Burst Taiwan Creative Startup Energy 宏匯Xt.Hub領航國際新創嘉年華(財訊雙週刊)
- HONHUI X t. Hub Startup Carnival 2021 Burst Taiwan Creative Startup Energy 宏匯t.Hub領航國際新創嘉年華 迸發台灣創新創業能量(udn, 經濟日報 Money udn)
- 20 Top at home and abroad startups in HONHUI X t. Hub Startup Carnival 2021 20家頂尖國內外新創showtime 宏匯t.Hub迸發臺灣創新創業能量(好報新聞網 HBNews)
- No-Code PaaS Solution Provider BRICKS Launches All-Powerful Module for Building Bespoke NFT Frames and More(Digital Journal, MarketWatch, Market Newswire, WBOC, NewsNet, JONO Art, NewsChannelNerbraska, BENZINGA, FOX40, WRDE COAST TV, RFD TV, Opera News)
- Customize automatic verify module help store scan customer Digital COVID Certificate. 可客制自動化查驗模組助12場所商家守護疫情難關 (中華日報、中時新聞、工商時報)
- 龍山寺、典華都在用!No Code設計平台BRICKS怎麼讓看板「活」起來? (數位時代)
- Meta-Commerce Web3商務論壇|台灣新創NFT兌換技術打造元宇宙全新商業模式(鏈新聞)
- 三創準備邁向元宇宙化!郭守正:導入無所不在的新零售 (TechNews)
- Computex 2022:Bricks方塊磚技術,App拉一拉就能拼接不規則電視牆 (T客邦/電腦王)
- 首屆文化科技黑客松 激發智慧轉型(奇摩新聞)
Brand Assets
BRICKS logo_白底黑字.eps
BRICKS logo_黑底白字.eps
Cofounder Bios